• AI Assistants help end users to get various data stored in Innovator based on natural language prompt.
  • Powered by proprietary ML model built using Prorigo’s strong experience in PLM.
  • Pre-trained model for Innovator PLM for all standard schema.
  • Can be trained to customer specific schema with a single click by the admin.
  • Automated incremental model training and deployment with a scheduled task.
  • Support numerous use cases out of the box and can be extended by creating custom use cases based on customer needs.


  • Improved User Experience
    • Users can get desired result by just stating their intent in natural language.
    • Contextual conversations.
    • Semantic search rather than keyword based search in knowledge bases.
    • Supports voice commands through microphone option.
  • Productivity gains
    • Decrease the team’s administrative and mundane tasks workload by simplifying/ templatizing manual processes.
  • Deep integration with Innovator
    • Faster time to value with pre-trained model and pre-built PLM use cases.
    • Adherence to permissions and data standards set in Innovator.
  • Flexibility to adapt to future changes
    • Adapt the model training content based on changing business requirements.
    • Add custom use cases based on requirements.
    • Agile by design to quickly update solutions as the LLM technology space evolves
  • Supports both on-premise and cloud deployments
  • Data stored in Innovator is not transferred outside the organization

Assistant Types

Items Search​

  • Generates complex filter expressions with natural language prompt in the Search Grid.
  • Transforms natural language input to expression, based on properties defined on the item type.
  • Auto corrects property names based on the synonyms defined in the model.
AI Item Search



  • Global Search: Search across multiple types with natural language.
  • Conversation driven data analysis and chart/ report generation.
  • Supports contextual conversations to get precise data.
  • Supports custom actions to perform standard Innovotor tasks as part of the conversation.

Knowledge-base ChatBot​

  • Bot to answer questions based on any documents or content(property values) within the Innovator.
  • Admin can create Knowledge-base for a specific ItemType data with a pre-defined dynamic boundary.
  • Knowledge-base can be trained with items and their relationps data stored in the Innovator.
  • Supports automated Knowledge-base model updates when new content is added or updated.
