ENOVIA-Aras Data Transformer
Transformers are the command line tools, that read flat files (extracted data from ENOVIA or third-party systems) and transform them to a form suitable for loading the data to the target system.
Implemented Transformers:
DAT to TSV File :
Replaces column and row delimiters and make them suitable to be processed inside SSIS Package -
CAD Major Minor :
Transforms CAD Major(Revision) and Minor(Version) objects extracted from ENOVIA to the Aras Innovator Revisions and Generations -
CAD SubComponent Rollup :
Rolling up of CAD SubComponent relationships for the same component to the quantity attribute set on the relationship between assembly and component -
Part and CAD Classification :
Classify part and CAD objects based on the naming pattern and type of the object CAD Derived Output: Generating viewables(.scs) from native files extracted from ENOVIA. In case of assembly transformation matrix is extracted and set on the each relationship connected with the component -
CAD Thumbnail Generation :
Transform thumbnails extracted from ENOVIA to the required format and size using image processing