
Built in collaboration with Aras, Prorigo has vast experience in customizing Office Productivity Connector.

  • Manage Microsoft Office 365 documents by linking them with Aras.
  • Add-in built using Office 365 Add-in platform.
  • Works with both Microsoft 365 desktop and online office applications.
  • Works with existing Aras Office Connector configuration like document types and property mappings. No migration required.
  • Supported MS Office applications.
    • Word
    • Excel
    • PowerPoint
Microsoft Office365 Connector
  • Add-in built using Office 365 Add-in platform.
  • Internally uses Office JavaScript API to open, save, access active document elements.
  • Works with both Microsoft 365 desktop and online office applications.
  • Works on MAC OS, Android, and iOS platforms.
  • Works with existing office connector configuration like document types and property mappings. No migration required.
  • Supported all the existing Office Connector capabilities.
  • Will support Microsoft Office applications such as PowerPoint, Excel, Visio and Outlook.
  • Additionally, will support inserting documents and images from Innovator into the active document.
Microsoft Office365 Connector
Microsoft Office365 Connector